IMO means in my oppinion.
XQsThaiPoes, Thanks, have seen that before and did not know what it meant. Triple A
the watchtower and many others claim something happend in 607. this is based on the idea the bible is acurate.
the watchtower states in a few places 586 is the "real date" but they would make the bible wrong which is a no no.
i know they have a vested interest in 607. i can't figure out why is this such a controversy.
IMO means in my oppinion.
XQsThaiPoes, Thanks, have seen that before and did not know what it meant. Triple A
the watchtower and many others claim something happend in 607. this is based on the idea the bible is acurate.
the watchtower states in a few places 586 is the "real date" but they would make the bible wrong which is a no no.
i know they have a vested interest in 607. i can't figure out why is this such a controversy.
Can anyone tell me why Temple did not show any place that I typed it in the post. Used Word and than copyed and pasted it into the posting box.
the watchtower and many others claim something happend in 607. this is based on the idea the bible is acurate.
the watchtower states in a few places 586 is the "real date" but they would make the bible wrong which is a no no.
i know they have a vested interest in 607. i can't figure out why is this such a controversy.
Of the three sites that you referenced only on the Christian Science page claims 607 as the destruction of
Here is a christian science page that used 607 as the destuction of .
607 BC / 4) Nebuchadnezzar destroys
and the temple. This is pretty cut and dry, know argument here.
Here is a LDS page that claims 605=607 and is the destruction of .
A king of his own choice he appointed in the city (and) taking the vast tribute he brought it to ."
The king of his choice was Zedekiah (see 2 Kgs 24:17). The date mentioned corresponds to , on our calendar. Look at 2 Kings 25:8-9 and you find that the was destroyed in the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar, which coincides with the 11 th year of Zedekiah (2 Kings 25:2). So the destruction would have happened in 597-11=586 BC.
Here is a 605 page.
587 Zedekiah rebels against Nebuchadnezzar. He is blinded and taken to where he dies. Zedekiah is the last king in the line of David to reign in until the Messiah reigns during the millennium (Ezekiel 34:23-24; Jeremiah 23:5; 2 Kings 24:18-25:21; 2 Chronicles 36:13-21; Jeremiah 39:1-8). Final siege and destruction of the on the 9th of Av (August) 586. Jeremiah taken to . The bolded text says that the was destroyed in 586. refers to Solomon?s
It is a good question why the Christian Science claims the destruction as 607 BC. It may or may not relate to 1914 for them. At the time they began was around 1850s and may have used the same materials that Russell used. Will look and see if I can find out why, unless someone posts the answer first.
the watchtower and many others claim something happend in 607. this is based on the idea the bible is acurate.
the watchtower states in a few places 586 is the "real date" but they would make the bible wrong which is a no no.
i know they have a vested interest in 607. i can't figure out why is this such a controversy.
By the way they take a seven year prophecy and turn it into a 2520 year prophecy. One day is suppose to equal one year, so 7 * 360 = 2520 years. If you apply one day = one year rule to Daniel's prophecy in chapter 9:24-27, The tribulation would start around 22703 AD and Armageddon would 24593 with the Messiah thousand year reign.
the watchtower and many others claim something happend in 607. this is based on the idea the bible is acurate.
the watchtower states in a few places 586 is the "real date" but they would make the bible wrong which is a no no.
i know they have a vested interest in 607. i can't figure out why is this such a controversy.
I did not say 607 is in the bible. I said other "christians" point to 607 as the beinging of 70 years of something.
Sorry, I took the second sentence as connect to the first sentence as that the Bible specifically states 607 BC.
Nebuchadnezzar comming to power is interpeted by some as the begining of the 70 years. WHat makes the watchtowers claim speacial?
I have never heard anyone use the start of Nebuchadnezzar's reign as the start of the 70 years. Everything I have ever read uses the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple as the date to start counting the 70 years.
If you do not count the 2520 years (taken from Daniel 4 prophecy about Nebuchadnezzar, that Daniel in 4:28-29 states, "All this happened...") starting in 607 BC you do not get Jesus' RETURN starting in 1914. If he did not return in 1914, he could not have selected the Internation Bible Students (Peoples Pulpit Association, future Watchtower Bible and Tract Society) as His Faithful and Discreet Slave. No authority given from Christ, the organization is just another group of men throwing their weight around.
Also the watchtower does not need 607 for anything IMO. They can make up anydate and make what ever speculation they want. Look at 1975 a date based on the suppossed 6000 years of man.
With authority as the Faithful and Discreet Slave, you are correct that they can make up anydate and make what ever speculation they want. But take that authority away and can they do the same?
What does IMO stand for? Sorry I am a newbie
the watchtower and many others claim something happend in 607. this is based on the idea the bible is acurate.
the watchtower states in a few places 586 is the "real date" but they would make the bible wrong which is a no no.
i know they have a vested interest in 607. i can't figure out why is this such a controversy.
THe watchtower and many others claim something happend in 607. This is based on the idea the bible is acurate.
RandomTask reading suggestion is excellent, I am currently in the middle of this book myself. The Bible does not say that something happened in 607 BC. The vast majority of the historians say that 607 was the 1st year of Nebuchadnezzar. That would make the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple around 586 BC. The 586 BC date of course would undermine the WTBTS claim to authority given in 1919, so they are bound to the 607 BC date for the destruction no matter what evidence there is against it.
Triple A
whilst shopping today i met a young newly married witness couple.
whilst i havnt been in a kingdom hall in over 2 years.
they were very friendly and it was nice we could talk on things other than safe-subjects.
I had two witnesses here about 3 months ago and they did not admit to knowing anything about the U.N. and the Society being an NGO. Said they would look in to it, but have not heard anything from them yet.
i wondered why i was not at ease being a witness till i learned what a cult is from many sorces, and stopped being so scared from day to day what god will do to me.
i am still scared of what he will do to me from being raised a witness, its weird they did not teach a firey hell, but they put the same kind of fear in me.
everytime some national problem comes along i freek, even when i no longer go to them meetings or read the tower.
I am still scared of what he will do to me from being raised a witness
PinTail, This is easier said than done, but stop fearing what God will do for what you have been and look for what He wants you to be. If you are reading a Bible, look specifically for the love that He has for all. You will find that He really does not ask for much. Wishing you the best. Triple A
staying here on an over night business trip.
opened my drawer nwt bible i fell out of my bed.
called the front desk they are in every room here.. i will never stay at another quality inn even though they are owned individually.
I like the idea about the stickers and notes. But doesn't somebody have to pay for the NWT. If they disappeared fast, wouldn't that put a financial burdon on someone? And wouldn't their KH be expected to be sending in more in contributions to cover the increase in distributions?
i sometimes think i study more about dubdom now than i did then.
i found this piece.
Thanks for the openess.
Triple A